Companion Planting Chart for Herbs
A list of herbs, their companions and uses, including some beneficial weeds and flowers.Common Name | Companions and Effects |
Basil | Is said to make tomatoes taste better; dislikes rue intensely. Improves growth and flavor repels flies and mosquitoes. |
Beebalm | Companion to tomatoes; improves growth and flavor. |
Borage | The "Magic Bullet" of companion plants. Good with tomatoes, squash and strawberries; deters tomato worm; improves growth and flavor. |
Caraway | Attracts parasitic wasps and flies. Plant here and there; loosens soil. Good with strawberries. |
Catnip | Plant in borders; deters flea beetle. |
Chamomile | Companion to cabbages and onions; improves growth and flavor |
Chervil | Loves shade, fortunately it grows well with shade-tolerant food plants; will make radishes grown near it taste spicier |
Chives | Companion to carrots; improves growth and flavor; avoid beans and peas |
Dead nettle | Companion to potatoes; deters potatobug; improves growth and flavor |
Dill | Companion to cabbage; dislikes carrots and tomato; improves growth and health of cabbage. Careful! Attracts tomato hornworm! |
Fennel | Plant away from gardens. Fennel is allelopathic to most garden plants, inhibiting growth, causing to bolt, or actually killing many plants |
Flax | Companion to carrots, potatoes, deterspotato bug; improves growth and flavor |
Garlic | Plant near roses and raspberries; deters Japanese beetle; improves growth and flavor |
Horseradish | Plant at corners of potato patch todeter potato bug |
Henbit | General insect repellant |
Hyssop | Deters cabbage moth; companion to cabbage and grapes. Keep away from radishes. Attracts honey bees and butterflies! |
Lamb�s-quarters | This edible weed should be allowed to grow in moderate amounts in the garden, especially in corn. |
Lemon Balm | Sprinkle throughout garden. |
Lovage | Is thought to improve the health of almost all plants, like borage and geraniums, is considered a "magic bullet" of companion planting |
Marigolds | The workhorse of the pest deterrents. Plant throughout garden; it discourages Mexican bean beetles, nematodes,and other insects. French marigolds produce a pesticidal chemical from their roots, so strong it lasts years after they are gone |
Mint | Companion to cabbage and tomatoes; improves health and flavor; Peppermint particularly deters white cabbage moth. Spearmint for ants and aphids. |
Marjoram | Plant here and there in garden; improves flavors |
Mole plant | Deters moles and mice if planted hereand there |
Nasturtium | Companion to radishes, cabbage, and curcubits; plant under fruit trees. Deters aphids, squash bugs, striped pumpkin beetles; improves growth and flavor. A trap crop |
Petunia | Protects beans,cucurbits (squash, pumpkins, cucumbers), asparagus. A trap crop almost identical to geraniums in function |
Pot marigold | Companion to tomatoes, but plant elsewhere in garden too. Deters asparagus beetle, tomato worm, and general garden pests. |
Purslane | This edible weed makes good ground cover in the corn. |
Pigweed | One of the best weeds for pumping nutrients from the subsoil, it is especially beneficial to potatoes, onions, and corn. Keep weeds thinned. |
Peppermint | Planted among cabbages, it repels the white cabbage butterfly. |
Rosemary | Companion to cabbage, bean, carrots, and sage; deters cabbage moth, many bean beetles, and carrot fly. Don't plant with Basil. |
Rue | Keep it far away from sweet basil; plant near roses and raspberries; deters Japanese beetle. |
Sage | Plant with rosemary, cabbage, beans and carrots; keep away from cucumbers. Deters cabbage moth, many bean beetles, carrot fly. |
Southernwood | Plant here and there in garden; companion to cabbage, improves growth and flavor; deters cabbage moth. |
Sowthistle | This weed in moderate amounts can help tomatoes, onions and corn. |
Summer savory | Plant with green beans and onions; improves growth and flavor. Deters bean beetle and delays germination of certain foul herbs |
Tansy | Plant under fruit trees; companion to roses and raspberries. Deters flying insects, Japanese beetles, striped cucumber beetles, squash bugs, ants. |
Tarragon | Good throughout garden. Its scent is disliked by most pests, and this plant is also thought to have Nurse Plant properties, enhancing the growth and flavor of crops grown with it. |
Thyme | Plant here and there in garden. Deters cabbage worm. |
Valerian | Good anywhere in garden. |
Wild morning glory | Allow it to grow in corn. |
Wormwood | As a border, it keeps animals from the garden. |
Yarrow | Plant along borders, paths, neararomatic herbs; enhances essential oil production. |
Geranium | A trap crop, attracting pests away from roses and grape vines, distracts beet leafhoppers, carrier of the curly top virus, away from Solanaceous plants like tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, and tobacco |
Common Garden Vegetables
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